Move The House or Build New?

Should you move the house you have or build a new one? Our clients here at Eastman Building Movers sometimes ask us this question. There are many situations where preserving the structure is the best choice. Here are just a few of the common circumstances that we often see when we meet with clients.

We Are Seeking The Option That  Is The Least Expensive

With the increased costs of building a new home, which we anticipate will only continue to climb in 2022, moving the house you already live in to a better location might save you money in the long run. If your current house structure is sound and meeting the space needs of your family or if you own property that an existing structure can be moved to, moving it is generally the least expensive option. 

We Love The House, But Not Its Location

Here in our service area of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, we have many homes in historic areas. Some beautiful homes might be located in less than desirable locales. Whether they are too far from conveniences or schools, or just not in an area that you want to live, homes can be moved to a better spot. If you want to move and  find a lot or new plot of  land that you love, we can often move your current structure  for much less than building new. You can get the ideal location and stay in the space you have grown to love.

We Want To Move Our Beach Home To A Higher Point On Our Property

If your beach home is located in an area that floods, but other portions of your property remain dry, moving the home to a different spot on the property is generally cheaper than building new. As an added bonus, moving the home might give you a better seaside view!

Of course, there are variables for each unique move. Contact Eastman Building Movers  to schedule a quote and we can give you the best advice for your situation.