Moving Larger Buildings

Once you’ve made the decision to move your house, we know you will have many questions. You may live on the coast of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, or Connecticut in Eastman Building Movers service area. You might want to move your house due to flooding, erosion, or you found a better piece of land to put the structure on. 

Whatever the reason for the structural move, we have some info on the process that can help you prepare. Whether your home has a small footprint or is a larger home, the same careful steps are taken to ensure that your move is smooth, easy, and safe.

We will always discuss the process in detail to provide peace of mind about timelines or any concerns about this precision job. We implore you not to expect to rush and especially do not try to lift a house is extremely dangerous! Proper lifting and jacking techniques are a skill! And Eastman has the experience and expertise to make house moving safe and easy.

Here is a list of things to do that will be helpful to move your large building, large home, or other large building as you plan your move! Once you’ve answered yes to these questions, we are all set to complete your building move.

Have you finalized your moving plans and engineering plans? Have you started the permitting process?

Is the foundation on the new plot of land ready? Has it been backfilled? These items will need to be finished before the house is placed.

Do you have a plan to remove and store your valuables outside of the house?

Have you notified your gas and utility companies of the move? Services will need to be turned off prior to the house moving.

Have you checked any rules or bylaws in your Homeowners Association to ensure that the move can take place? Have you checked with your city or town to see if there are any height requirements?